Seminars & Conferences 

13th ifo Dresden Workshop on Labor Economics and Social Policy, May 16-17, 2024, Dresden
37th Annual Conference of the European Society of Population Economics (ESPE), June 27-29, 2024, Rotterdam

ESPE 2024 Rotterdam

ESPE 2024 Rotterdam

IWF Institute for Economics Doctoral Seminar Summer 2023, May 2, Nuremberg
GfR-Summer Conference in Regional Science @IAB/Nuremberg, June 29 – 30, 2023, Nuremberg
Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists 2023 (EALE), September 21–23, 2023, Prague
Applied Micro Workshop, WISO, November 6, 2023, Nuremberg

32th Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) Research Workshop, January 27 – 28, 2022, online
35th annual conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), June 16 - 18, 2022, Rende
Tilburg Structural Econometric Group Seminar 2022, September 7, 2022, Tilburg
Netspar Pension Day 2022, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, October 13 (as a discussant), Utrecht

Bavarian Young Economists Meeting 2021: Topics in Applied Microeconomics; poster session, June 30, 2021 – July 2, 2021, online
4th IZA/Higher School of Economics Workshop: Thirty Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain: The Contribution of Labor Market Adjustment to Transition and Convergence; session: Lessons from East Germany’s Economic Transition, October 22, 2021 - October 23, 2021, online